Downloading tender documents

If you want to save a copy of a tender document on your PC, you can download the document from eTender.

You can also print a copy of any downloaded document, if required.

You may need to download plug-ins or turn on imaging to view some tender documents.

To download a document:

  1. Log in to eTender and select the tender from the My tenders Listing page to display the Tender Details page for the tender.

  1. Click on .

    The Tender Documents page is displayed, showing a list of all tender documents.

  1. Click on beside the document that you want to download.

    File Download window is displayed.

  2. Click on .

    The Save As window is displayed.

  3. Select the directory in which you want to download the file then click on .

    The download begins. A window displays the progress and informs you when the download is complete.

  4. If the Download Complete window has an button, you can click on this to open your copy of the document.

    Otherwise, click on .

    The download is complete and a copy of the document is now stored on your PC.

  5. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for any other documents that you want to download.

  6. Click on  to return to the Tender Details page.