After you submit an Electronic Tender Form, the Documents Listing page is displayed so that you can, if you need to, submit other documents associated with the Electronic Tender Form.
You can also submit associated documents using the option, which is displayed on the Tender Details page only after you have completed a Tender Form.
To submit documents associated with the Electronic Tender Form:
the Documents Listing
page is not displayed, log in to
eTender and select the tender from the My Tender Listing
to display the Tender Details page
for the tender then click on .
The Documents Listing
page is displayed.
If you have previously submitted documents, details will be displayed in
the listing.
Click on .
The Submit Document
page is displayed.
In the Document Description box, type a description for your document
For tenders with an online tender form you will need to select the tender form to which the document applies in the Associated tender form drop down. The Associated tender form box shows details of the Tender Forms you have submitted. If you submitted more than one Tender Form, you must specify the Tender Form with which this document is associated. Click on the details to select a Tender Form.
For tenders with non-price criteria you will need to select the non-price criterion to which the document applies in the Non Price Criteria drop down. Preferably you should submit a separate document for each of the non-price criteria. If you are only submitting one document then leave this field blank
In the File to submit box, type the path and filename of your document, or click on to locate the file on your PC.
You are able to upload multiple documents at one time. To select another document click on
Another section will open up on the page as shown below:
Complete steps 3-6 for the next document
If you decide not to include another document then click on
When you are ready to submit your
document/s click on
The original document remains on your PC and a copy is submitted to
eTender sends you an email acknowledging receipt of each of the documents.
Once the documents have been uploaded
the page will be re-displayed with the list of documents uploaded and
the details of the documents. If any documents failed to upload then they
will be displayed at the bottom
Repeat the steps above for any further documents that you want to submit.
You can now:
click on to return to the Documents listing page, or
click on to return to the Tender Details page, or
click on to return to the My tender listing page, or
click on to log out of eTender.