Tender Details - Cancelled

No : 91669BLD1 Regions : Central West
Description : LOT 13-15 QUEEN ELIZABETH ST, TAMBO - Modern Methods of Construction - Siteworks Contractor Scope - All Tenderers must hold a QBCC licence for either Low, Medium or Open Building category to be eligible. - Building Federal Electorates : Maranoa
Closing Date/Time : 08/09/2023 14:00 AEST State Electorates : Gregory
PQC Level : Local Authorities : Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
Tender Category : Contractor
This Tender has now been cancelled
Cancelled due to Project budget constraints.
Tender Type: Open
For further information contact:
Leah Salter
Email: Click to email Leah Salter
Phone:  41239428