Tender Details - Active

No : 3366264MIC (CO)24008 Regions :
Description : PORT DOUGLAS - CN-24008-Port Douglas Ashford Avenue Boat Ramp Resurfacing - Resurfacing of the whole boat ramp including rebuilding the shoulders to current DTMR standards. Removing and re-fixing the existing floating walkway including construction of a new abutment. Asphalti - Minor Infrastructure Contract - Construct Only Federal Electorates :
Closing Date/Time : 28/01/2025 17:00 AEST State Electorates :
PQC Level : Local Authorities :
Tender Category : Contractor

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If you are registered or are prequalified but don’t have a login and password please contact the project contact officer whose contact details are listed below

Project Specific Enquiries during the tender period to:
Senarath Weerakoon
Email: Click to email Senarath Weerakoon
Phone:  0730664024