Tender Details - Accepted

No : 19286430ENCON1 Regions : Brisbane
Description : QUEENSLAND CORRECTIVE SERVICES - Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems in Secure Server Rooms - Condition Reporting and Review of Discharge Nozzles - Engineering Consultancy Federal Electorates : Multiple
Closing Date/Time : 02/02/2024 14:00 AEST State Electorates : Multiple
PQC Level : NA Local Authorities : Multiple
Tender Category : Consultant
This Tender has been accepted
Tender Type: Select

Successful Tenderer(s)

The Trustee for Omnii Unit Trust
Level 1, 2 Gardner Close
Accepted Date: 14/02/2024
Accepted Amount (incl GST): $21,791.00
For further information contact:
Michelle Chiappara
Email: Click to email Michelle Chiappara
Phone:  5514 9403