Tender Details - Accepted

No : 20300-02MIC (CO)1 Regions :
Description : GOLD COAST - Gold Coast Aids to Navigation Maintenance 2023 - Undertake the maintenance works to 27 aids to navigation structures at the Gold Coast - Minor Infrastructure Contract - Construct Only Federal Electorates :
Closing Date/Time : 09/06/2023 14:00 AEST State Electorates :
PQC Level : Local Authorities :
Tender Category : Contractor
This Tender has been accepted
Tender Type: Open

Successful Tenderer(s)

Bluewater Marine Qld
71 Toolakea Beach Road
Townsville QLD 4818
Accepted Date: 18/07/2023
Accepted Amount (incl GST): $318,080.90
Number of tenders received: 6

Schedule of Tenders Received

TendererTender SumComment
McKay Maritime Pty Ltd  
Rhino Carpentry and Building Services pty Ltd  
Marine Civil Contractors Pty Ltd  
Mitchell Marine Constructions Late
Bluewater Marine Qld  
Bhagwan Marine  
Note: Disclaimer: The prices shown in this list are tender prices at the close of tenders.The best tender was selected on an assessment of both non-price selection criteria and price.
For further information contact:
Kurt Sundholm
Email: Click to email Kurt Sundholm