Tender Details - Accepted

No : 34-701944BLD1 Regions : Mackay
Description : PROSERPINE STATE SCHOOL - Construction - Refurbishment Block D Classrooms, New Covered Outdoor Area & New covered walkway - - Building Federal Electorates :
Closing Date/Time : 13/10/2022 14:00 AEST State Electorates :
PQC Level : Local Authorities :
Tender Category : Contractor
This Tender has been accepted
Tender Type: Select

Successful Tenderer(s)

Brian Smith Constructions
P.O.Box 591
Proserpine QLD 4800
Accepted Date: 09/12/2022
Accepted Amount (incl GST): $599,500.00
Number of tenders received: 2

Schedule of Tenders Received

TendererTender SumComment
Brian Smith Constructions$599,500.00 
For further information contact:
Leah Salter
Email: Click to email Leah Salter
Phone:  41239428