Automatically installing AlternaTIFF

If you have Internet Explorer on your PC and you want to download AlternaTIFF, you can use the auto-install feature available from the AlternaTIFF website.

To automatically install the AlternaTIFF plug-in:

  1. Go to the AlternaTIFF website at

  2. Scroll down the page and click on .

    The AlternaTIFF Active-X auto-installation page is displayed in the top half of a split screen.

  3. Read the information on the page, then click on .

    The Security Warning message box is displayed.

  4. Click on .

    The auto-installation starts.

    When the auto-installation is complete, the AlternaTIFF toolbar is displayed in the bottom half of the split screen.

    If you have not previously registered AlternaTIFF, is displayed below the toolbar: Click on the message to register AlternaTIFF.

    If you have previously registered AlternaTIFF, a message is displayed to inform you that the AlternaTIFF ActiveX control is now installed. Click on the message to return to the AlternaTIFF home page, or click on to close your internet browser.